AngkasaOne signing off...
Friday, September 29, 2006
AngkasaOne signing off...
Tak Nak!!!

This Ramadan also brings me a new tekad in life... I want to be part of the "Tak Nak!!!" Campaign :)
I've been trying to quit smoking over the past 2 Ramadans... suceeded at first.... but... it couldn't last... I started smoking again... slowly :)
This time round.... I'm getting some extra help and motivation... from a particular someone, H (Who's H? My Dearly Beloved, of course). Assessing the scenarios over the past 2 Ramadans when I started the Tak Nak Campaign (which sadly...I failed), I think it was more of lack of self motivation. I am currently driven to stop smoking... and I am sure that I will get the motivation from My Dearly Beloved :) kan sayang kan??? I've even requested her to Doa during her visit to Mekah for me to stop smoking and that I stay smoke free!!! InsyaAllah.
I read somewhere that it takes 21 Days to form a habit... Hope it takes 21 Days to get rid of a habit as well... hehehehe
On another note, I think its a blessing in disguise that H, isn't in the country and uncontactable during this period of Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome... Kalau tak... sure stress punya :p It is stated that the Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome will go away between 3 to 14 days.... I hope it doesn't stretch more than 30 days.... ;)
I came across a Booklet on Quit Smoking by Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
- Selepas beberapa jam, sistem peredaran darah akan mulai bersih daripada bahan nikotin. Dalam tempoh dua hari hasil sampingan bahan nikotin akan lenyap dari badan.
- Selepas 6 jam, nadi akan menjadi perlahan ke paras yang lebih normal, dan tekanan darah akan menurun sedikit. Ini amat baik untuk jantung anda.
- Selepas 24 jam, karbon monoksida iaitu suatu gas beracun akan mula lenyap dari tubuh, membolehkan lebih banyak oksigen diserap oleh sel-sel tubuh. Paru-paru anda akan dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
- Selepas 2 hari, deria rasa pada lidah akan bertambah baik. Anda akan dapat menikmati kelazatan makanan lebih dibandingkan dengan dahulu. Deria menghidu akan pulik seperti sediakala. Gigi, rambut, jejari, pakaian dan nafas anda akan menjadi lebih bersih.
- Selepas beberapa minggu, Silia dalam saluran pernafasan yang berfungsi membersihkan bahan-bahan kotoran seperti habuk, debu dan sebagainya akan kembali pulih dan dapat berfungsi dengan lebih baik.
- Selepas 2 bulan, peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh terutama ke bahagian periferi seperti jejari tangan dan kaki menjadi lebih efisyen.
Withdrawal Syndrome:
- Batuk-batuk menandakan mekanisma pembersihan saluran pernafasan akan kembali berfungsi seperti sediakala.
- Pening-pening sedikit menandakan tubuh anda mula mengadaptasi dengan paras oksigen yang lebih dibandingkan masa lalu.
- Sakit kepala boleh terjadi apabila tekanan darah menurun ke paras normal. Ini berlaku selepas tiga hari berlalu.
- Rasa kebas dan sengal-sengal kadang-kadang boleh terjadi pada otot. Ini berlaku kerana peredaran darah menjadi lebih lancar. Lakukan senaman untuk melancarkan lagi sistem peredaran darah.
- Gangguan sistem penghadaman seperti sembelit, merasa loya atau sebu perut kadang-kadang boleh terjadi, tetapi cuma untuk beberapa hari sahaja.
- Gejala-gejala lain seperti gangguan tidur, gangguan konsentrasi dan perasaan resah juga berlaku. Gejala-gejala ini tidak berpanjangan dan boleh diatasi dengan mudah.
Katakan TAK NAK!!! Setiap Sedutan Membawa Padah
Well... its been what? A few days now... and things are going fine for me... smoke free :)
but... I miss H sooooo much.........
AngkasaOne signing off...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
INFO ~ CANCER SERIES #1: What Is Cancer?
- Carnicomas: These usually occur in rapidly dividing tissues such as cells that cover and line our bodies, including the skin, colon, breast, liver and breathing passages. These are the most common forms of cancer.
- Sarcomas: This type of cancer generally occurs in more slowly dividing tissues such as the muscle and nerve tissues.
- Leukaemia: These are cancers of the tissue that form the blood cells.
Cancer cells are abnormal cells. They keep dividing and forming more cells without control or order. A mass of extra tissue, called a growth or tumour, is formed. It can be either benign or malignant.
Benign tumours are not cancerous as they can be removed. In most cases, they do not reoccur. Benign tumours do not spread to other parts of the body and are rarely a threat to life.
Malignant tumours, on the other hand, are cancerous. It can spread to invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer cells can alo break away from the malignant tumour and enter the blookdstream or lymphatic system. This is how cancer spreads from the original or primary tumour to form new tumours in other parts of the body. The spread of cancer is called metastasis.
This Community Service Message Is Brought To You By AngkasaOne.
AngkasaOne signing off...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
A Different Ramadan
I also use this time for reflection... a reflection of my life over the past year... and to start planning and executing for the next year.
Blogging again??? Yup.... I started blogging again... after a long...long.... long rest :p
This particular someone requested me to update my blog.... and I think now is the appropriate time to start blogging again... when my heart is full of love and affection.... ;)
This year's Ramadan is slightly different from other Ramadans...
It has been an emotional rollercoaster for me over the past few months... I met a girl :) This came unexpectedly... Earlier in the year, if someone came to me and said that i'll be spending time her... i'd say... not a chance.
I have been avoiding getting into relationships over the past few years because of the fear of being emotionally vunerable and getting hurt.
On the contrary, its different with her. Being vunerable and emotionally attached with her.... is unavoidable:) We've spent a lot of time with each other since a few months back... I love spending time with her... we could talk for hours about anything under the sky....
I was hoping that I would be able to celebrate Ramadan with her in KL... However, God had different plans for us... She's away for a month with her family. Its not easy to manage being apart from each other at this infant stage of our relationship... It has been an emotional rollercoaster for me since I knew that she was going for the trip. Being apart from each other is one thing.... not being able to talk to each other for a whole month is another... We've been talking to each other over the phone every single day for the past few months.... It's gonna be hard... really hard... but its something that we have to learn and manage.... Looking at it... It is a test of our relationship.
I pray to God that our love for each other grows more and more everyday... InsyaAllah.
2 Ramadan 1427H
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Penghayatan Ramadan
- Banyakkan membaca Al-Quran dan memahami maksudnya.
- Mengerjakan sembahyang fardhu dan bertarawih secara berjamaah di masjid atau di surau.
- Bersedekah dan mengadakan jamuan berbuka puasa khususnya kepada sahabat, jiran tetangga dan fakir miskin.
- Beriktikaf di dalam masjid dan bertadarus.
- Mengelakkan diri dari berbual-bual kosong dengan mengisi masa dengan kerja-kerja berfaedah seperti mendalami pengetahuan mengenai fardhu ain dan fardhu kifayah.
Ramadan Al~Mubarak
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan ke atasmu berpuasa, sebagaimana diwajibkan ke atas orang-orang sebelum kamu, agar kamu bertaqwa" - Al Baqarah: Ayat 183
Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Rasulullah Bersabda: Barangsiapa yang berpuasa dengan penuh iman dan berazam bersunguh-sungguh, Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. - Sahih Muslim
1 Ramadan 1427H
AngkasaOne signing off...