Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Malaysian Press Can Do Better

Initially I though of having "What's Wrong With the Malaysian Press?" as the title of this post.... But it sounded too negative. So what's right with our press/media? How can our press do better in terms of their Headlines and Stories?

Over the past few months, I have been observing that the stories in the press are more related to tragedy, accidents, deaths, in short... negativity. Us Malaysian are not tragic and saddist people!! So why does the press have to potray the negative things that happen. No doubt, there are lessons to be learnt from tragedies, and probably awareness from showing stories and pictures about road accidents. Over the long run, we will live in fear... fear of these tragedies happening to us.

Stories of tragic and accidents will increase, especially during the festive season... if you don't believe me... just watch the news both electronic and print. Today itself, on the front page and in leading news on radio and TV is "1000 Accidents on the 1st day of Ops Sikap". Come on lah.... Our media can do better rite??

I think the press should look into protraying and publishing stories of heroism, courage, kindness, love and all the good things. I'm sure that if the reporters actually concentrate in looking for stories of good, they will find it. And I am more than sure that there are thousands of people that do good deeds in Malaysia in a day.

Even, if possible, biarlah cerita-cerita melayu, cina, india dan sebagainya that is locally produced also protray good stories about our livelihood. Ini keluar cerita, gaduh, gangster, cerai-berai, anak lari dari rumah, tipu muslihat and others. No doubt, this things do happen in our community. But what about stories of people helping orphans, struggles of people in luar bandar trying to have a good life, cerita anak-anak malaysia yang berjaya di perantauan, orang-orang kaya yang membantu orang-orang kurang bernasib baik. Lets watch the TV over the holidays and analyse what stories comes out.

We keep saying that MEDIA is an important factor that influences our lives, the lives of our children... and we and our children are being fed with stories of despair and no good everyday...

I cant imagine what the children of Malaysia will turn out to be in the future...

My 2 sen worth before Deepavali & Hari Raya.

AngkasaOne signing off...

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