Monday, January 15, 2007

Di Manakah Parti Politik Sewaktu Bencana?

Sesungguhnya banjir yang melanda negara pada bulan Disember yang lalu telah memberikan banyak pengajaran kepada kita semua, baik kerajaan, NGO, parti politik mahupun individu. Banjir kali kedua yang melanda Johor dan Pahang sekarang ini lebih teruk lagi. Alhamdulillah, segala persiapan untuk menghadapi banjir ini berjalan dengan baik. Semua agensi kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dilaporkan bergerak sebagai satu pasukan untuk memastikan keperitan yang dihadapi mangsa banjir dapat dikurangkan. Mangsa-mangsa banjir dapat dipindahkan ke pusat-pusat pemindahan dengan segera dan sistem amaran banjir dan bencana berjalan dengan keadaan yang memuaskan.

Walaupun begitu, satu persoalan timbul. Di ambang pilihanraya kecil di kawasan Batu Talam, Pahang, parti-parti politik sibuk mempersiapkan jentera pilihanraya di kawasan tersebut. Kita melihat Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO dan Ketua-Ketua Parti Komponen Barisan Nasional beberapa negeri membuat pengumuman untuk menggerakkan jentera pilihanraya mereka untuk ke Batu Talam. Tetapi, dimanakah mereka dalam keadaan krisis bencana ini?

YB Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga & Masyarakat dalam tempoh beberapa hari ini juga mengeluh bahawa jentera kerajaan yang ada tidak mencukupi untuk menghadapi banjir yang sedia ada. Saya diberitahu bahawa beberapa NGO telah dan sedang bergiat aktif untuk membantu mangsa banjir di Johor & Pahang. Pelajar-Pelajar IPT juga dengan sukarela telah menampilkan diri untuk menghulurkan bantuan.

Alangkah moleknya jika Parti-Parti Politik, samada Barisan Nasional ataupun PAS, KeADILan, DAP dan sebagainya menumpukan usaha mereka untuk membantu mangsa banjir? Jika pihak UMNO boleh menggerakkan lebih 50,000 orang daripada Pergerakan Wanita, Pemuda, Putera dan Puteri UMNO untuk ke Batu Talam, mengapakah mereka tidak dapat menggerakkan jentera yang lebih daripada 3 Juta orang ke Johor dan Pahang. UMNO, sebagai parti politik terbesar di dalam Malaysia sepatutnya menjadi contoh dan merintis serta memacu semua parti politik di dalam negara untuk membantu mangsa banjir. Parti-parti politik di dalam negara seharusnya mengetepikan fahaman politik masing-masing di dalam saat-saat getir ini.

Bukankan lebih memanfaatkan rakyat dan pengundi jika parti-parti politik ini menumpukan usaha untuk membantu mangsa bencana daripada sibuk dengan strategi menawan Batu Talam? Adakah parti politik negara kita ini telah terpesong dari matlamat asalnya?

Saya berharap agar YAB Presiden UMNO, Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Ahli-Ahli Majlis Tertinggi, Ketua-Ketua dan Ahli EXCO Pergerakan Wanita, Pemuda & Puteri UMNO menumpukan segala usaha untuk meringankan beban mangsa banjir. Saya menyeru agar semua parti politik di dalam negara kita ini untuk menggerakkan segala jentera yang ada untuk meringankan mangsa banjir. Walaupun, bantuan kewangan amat diperlukan di kawasan-kawasan tersebut, tetapi apa yang lebih penting adalah kerahan tenaga yang ada.

AngkasaOne signing off...

Friday, January 05, 2007


A friend asked me to listen to a song today. Its about VOLUNTEERISM. The song was written for the Singapore National Volunteer Centre.

I think its quite a good song and I would like to share it with you.

Below is the song lyrics.

The "V" in You

Open your heart to someone today
Do your best to make a change
Remind yourself to be a friend
Someone out there needs a hand

Guiding someone to find his way
Every good deed has its grace
Showing it’s more than words to care
It means much more to lend a hand


Shape our home for the better times
Do what’s right in your mind
Bring on the joy for all to share
Create a world that really cares


Let it come from your heart
Everybody has to play a part
For every little thing you do
Someone’s dreams may come through

Let it come from your heart
Just try to do whatever you can do
Giving your time will mean so much
Bring out the “V” in you

Finding a way to help someone
Show them what can be done
Letting them know they’re not alone
We are here to make a better home

It doesn’t matter what you can do
Just reach out to those who needs you
Showing it’s more than words to care
It means much more to lend a hand

Music & Lyrics by Ken Lim / Dreamz FM
Arrangement by Shah Tahir

® 2000 National Volunteer Centre

AngkasaOne signing off...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


As I was driving along the roads near my home, I noticed a lot of roadside buntings. It reads "Visit Malaysia Year 2007 - Celebrating 50 Years of Nationhood". And as I was reading the newspapers this morning, I felt very sad and embarrassed, by the fact that on the 1st day of Visit Malaysia Year, we had numerous complaints by foreign tourists. They were clearly unhappy with the services provided by certain quarters around the city.

I was shocked to learn of the screw up at the Penang International Airport. They were supposed to upgrade the airport and be ready for VMY2007, but instead, its only going to be ready at the end of VMY2007 and some works will only be ready in 2008. How humiliating can that be?

I was also observing last week at KLCC that cabbies are not using meters, for locals hailing a cab and foreign tourists. This is bad... very bad. I saw cabbies were negociating with Tourists on the rates. I think the authorities should look at this matter seriously as it could very much damage the country's reputation.

Despite that, I am sure that we as Malaysians, will welcome foreign and local tourists alike, with our good hospitality and great culture and heritage. Please be reminded, that we Malaysians are also tourists and we have every right to be treated like tourists. I also look forward to more Cuti-Cuti Malaysia in 2007 :)

What kinda shocked me was an advertisement i saw on page 3 of a leading malay daily. Rayakan 50 Tahun Merdeka bersama Kementerian Penerangan - Konsert Mega Merdeka, Siaran Langsung Perarakan Merdeka, Riak-Riak Merdeka, Pesta Bola Merdeka and some others.

Katanya kita ni ISLAM HADHARI, tapinya, aktivitinya tak mari-mari lagi... Ini sedikit nasihat buat Kerajaan Malaysia yang ku hormati. Apalah salahnya, kita iklankan - Majlis Bacaan Yaasin & Tahlil untuk pejuang-pejuang Kemerdekaan dan Majlis Bacaan Yaasin untuk Kesyukuran Menyambut 50 Tahun Merdeka. Itu lebih baik daripada mempromosikan Konsert lah, Simfoni lah dan lain-lain lagi.

How does the Government intend to reflect ISLAM HADHARI in its policies and programs? Or is ISLAM HADHARI just another White Elephant Policy? We have been hearing about this for so long.... and yet not much have been done by the Government on ISLAM HADHARI... Takkan lah setakat Kempen Islam Hadhari Terengganu Bistari sahaja?

I am sure that more can be done by the government, not only to promote, but to practice and walk the talk on ISLAM HADHARI. And I think, 2007 is the best year to do it. While the worlds eyes is on Malaysia and foreign tourists are flocking the country, We can show them how dinamic our country is, living harmoniusly amongst different culture, religion and beliefs. Its an excellent platform to show how a progressive Islamic State manages its polulation and economy. Lets us reflect that Muslim are not terrorists, in fact we are fair, kind and loving people, which the Al-Quran & Sunnah has taught us.


AngkasaOne signing off...

NEWS - 27 December

Nazri: Public was warned of possible floods

KUALA LUMPUR: The public had been warned of a possible flood in Johor on Dec 15 and Dec 16, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said.

Nazri denied claims by some in the flood-stricken areas that they had no advance warning of the floods.

“The public was informed on Dec 15 and Dec 16,” he told reporters after launching a seminar and exhibition in conjunction with the Disaster Awareness Day anniversary at the Putra World Trade Centre here yesterday.

He was asked to comment on public complaints that the people were not informed about the possibility of floods via the media.

“We knew about it in advance. We went down to the ground to inform the people about the rising waters and advised them to evacuate.

“Unfortunately, there were some people who were reluctant to leave their homes although the water level was one foot high. They took the matter lightly,” he said.

“And it happened too fast. We did not have time to inform the Information Ministry because we were focusing on rescue efforts.

Full article can be found at


I would like to ask the Government;

1. Why is the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (in-charge of Parliment) is making such a comment?

2. Where is the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation? MOSTI is in-charge of the Malaysian MET Service.

3. Where is the Chairman of the National Disaster Committee, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak?

4. Why can't these Ministers make a statement? Why does the Government need to have a Minister in charge of Parliment to make statements that does not concern Parliment?

I have made some investigations to the statement made by Nazri that the Government went to the ground to inform the rakyat that there are floods coming. Fact is, there were no announcements made on the 1st wave of floods. Nazri is total BULL!!! If they did inform, how was it done? Were the District Police Stations informed, were the District Hospitals and Fire Rescue Service informed, were the District Office informed, were the Penghulus informed, were the Pengerusi JKKK and Ketua Kampung informed, where the people informed? How does the government inform the Public in affected areas in such a short period of time? PROVE IT!!!

May be, in certain areas, the public were informed by the Sistem Amaran Banjir at the rivers, where a siren will sound when the water levels rise above the danger levels. But does the Sistem Amaran Banjir is put all along populated areas of the river? Is it in sound working conditions? Look what happend to TTDI Jaya in Shah Alam. The bloody siren didnt sound because of a malfunction. DUH!!!

Then, you have Nazri saying that they have informed the public and that the public were reluctant to move. Then, you say that you did not have time to inform the Information Ministry... HELLO!!! The information Ministry is one of the most important ministry to inform the public on such an occasion. What the hell were you thinking? You are a minister... or should i say... How did a minister in charge of parliment got to know about it first, before the minsiter of information? Who informed you Nazri? Minister of Science? Then he should have the Minister of Information's mobile number on speed dial.

If you did not have time to inform the Information Ministry to disseminate the information thru media and thru the Penerangan Offices in states and districts, how did you inform the public? Penerangan Offices have vehicles with loudhailers to go round to inform the public la... Polis and Bomba pun ada jugak... If you did not inform penerangan, did you get to inform the Police, District office, JKR, Penghulu, Ketua Kampung, JKKK before you informed the Information Ministry and the media?

I asked a number of people affected by the floods... they were not informed on the 1st wave. So Nazri... no wait... Government, please explain what is the procedure of a Disaster Effort. I hope someone, may be the PAC will investigate this and correct what is wrong.

The government should take note on the comments made by the public. Not discard them away, or worse, deny what has happened. Admit your mistakes and rectify them. We all know that the machinery within the government sucks... and you have not learned from the tsunami disaster relief. The people are not against the government, they want to improve the government's delivery system... but sadly... the government is not hearing....

AngkasaOne siging off...

Monday, January 01, 2007



2007 is a year of celebration for Malaysia. Its Visit Malaysia Year and we're celebrating our 50th Year of Independence

Looking back at 2006, I have gone through may challenges in life. It has however, made me wiser and more matured. I have learned a lot in the journey through 2006. From work, friends and relationships. I do have some regrets, but I plan to mend them immediately.

Greatest Achievement in 2006 - I found the love of my life :)

Greatest Disappointment in 2006 - Neglected my work; which is very important to me and some others :(

Well, 2007 will hopefully bring a lot of changes in my life... and that is what I am going to concentrate on... ME :) and the theme for 2007 is... "MY LIFE... GETTING BACK ON TRACK & FLYING HIGH". In short, 2007 is about putting my life in order...

There are three parts to this. ME, YOU and SOCIETY.

First is Me, as a person. - This is where self improvement comes in. I plan to improve myself, in all aspects possible. Mainly in areas of Religion, Knowledge, Work, Health, Finance and some others. I want to do some soul searching as well. Its time for a reality check for me. I wanna see what I have accomplished and what I have not accomplished. I wanna reorganise and re-chart my flight path on where I wanna go and what I want to achieve in the short, medium and long term.

Second is You, the people related to me. - This is where I plan to improve my relationships with others. Which includes Parents, My Girlfriend, Family, Extended Family, Business Partners, Friends, Colleagues and others which have a significant impact on me, directly or indirectly. This is where I intend to mend some relationships which were not very successful or in which I have neglected over the past year(s) and to improve and strengthen the relationships that are currently strong. This means spending more time with all the above listed... I dunno how I'm gonna do that :

Third is Society, as a whole. - There are two parts to this. One is my relationship and contact with society as a whole, in which may not have a significant impact on me, directly or indirectly. And the other will be concentration will be on Corporate Social Responsibility. Things that I will do for the Community and Society as a whole... Community Service Programs that I will be involved in 2007. I will only concentrate on a few programs that I have been working on the past couple of years. Its more of a follow-ups for me this year and planting seeds for 2008 and beyond... so don't expect hard core programs from me this year.

As I have concentrated more on the Third part in 2006, I will put more emphasis on the First and Second part in 2007. Therefore, I shall reduce the CSR programs that I will be involved in 2007. This year is gonna be a serious year for me, more challenges and more responsibilities. I hope I can achieve what I want to achieve this year. I will hopefully draw up a Balanced Score Card for 2007 with a Quarterly Review so that I will be on track this year. I am more than sure that H will be the driving force and motivation for me in 2007. I am very happy to be able to share part of 2006 with her and I look forward to be with her and to share my life with her... not just for 2007 but for ever and ever and ever.... :)

I think it is also symbolic where the New Year coincides with Hari Raya Korban. It is my first time doing the Korban at the surau near my home. Typically, I do it in Kampung... Its a different experience...

The surau scheduled the Majlis Korban today to allow people to celebrate Hari Raya and go Berhari Raya yesterday. I think this model works as we had 7 Cows to Korban and we need not rush to cut and distribute the meat. It also in a way prolonged the AidilAdha celebrations... which is supposed to be for 4days anyway...

For me, it is good to start the new year with a Korban, and I hope that it will bring me closer to God. InsyaAllah. Its a good start... Its a good feeling and I have smiles all day long today... :) Alhamdulillah.

On another note, my heart goes to the people affected by the Floods around the country, especially the ones in Johor. My granddad is also a flood victim, together with some other family members around Johor. I am currently doing some investigation on the floods and will come up with a post soon.

I am grateful to God for allowing us to go through 2006 and I thank you God for the achievements that we have accomplished and the learning that we have got. I thank God for the life that He has given us, and I pray that He will grant us a long, prosperous and successful life. I pray to God to give us guidance and strength in going through the coming year and may God grant our wishes and make us a better person. May God Bless Us All... Amin.

AngkasaOne signing off...